OUR HEARTS GO OUT TO THE VICTIMS OF THE EARTHQUAKE AND tsunami in Japan, and like so many of you, we’re eager to help. And helping has never been easier! During April, purchase the exclusive “Hope for Japan” A-size stamp set for the special price of only $5 (retail value $7.95) and Close To My Heart will donate 100% of the profits to the American Red Cross efforts in Japan. This beautifully designed stamp set reminds us of how our hearts are hopeful for those who are in need. Contact me today to get involved in this heart-worthy cause.
*100% of the profits from the My Acrylix® Hope for Japan stamp set will be donated to relief efforts.
**Offer valid March 24–April 30, 2011. Tax and shipping/handling charges apply. Profits will be donated by Close To My Heart to the American Red Cross Japan relief efforts.
JOIN ME ON SUNDAY, MARCH 27TH AT 1:30 P.M. OR MONDAY, MARCH 28TH AT 6:30 P.M. to make the cards you see above. The cost of the workshop is $5.00 (envelopes can be purchased for a $1 more). If you place an order of $25.00 (before tax, and S/H), your class is free. Placing an order also makes you eligible to win something from the prize basket. I will also be drawing names (for all attendees) for a mini stamp set on both nights. All I ask is that you bring your own adhesive of your choice.
Please RSVP by Thursday evening, on March 24th.
This is also a reminder that the March campaign will end soon. It's called "The Best Stamps on the Block". Order $25 in stamps (before tax & s/h) and you can choose either a 3x3 or 2x6.5 block for free. More details can be found on the sidebar of my blog.
*cupcake card originally designed by Lisa Stenz. Candle card originally designed by Leanne Dudley/Vicki Wizniuk.
I have been having fun creating with the Bliss paper pack and am just in love with these beautiful papers. I really don't have a purpose for this layout yet, but I'm sure I will come up with something. I thought it coordinated so well with the January Stamp of the Month, Find Your Style (no longer available, unless it makes it into the Autumn/Winter catalog). I am still trying to perfect my handmade roses, so hopefully practice will make perfect. I also was able to use CTMH's new scallop punch to make the border of the picture mat. Maybe I will have to repost when I find a picture to fit the layout. Hmmm, maybe it's time to start digging through some heritage photos.
Recently I did a Coldwater Creek event and offered cards for sale during this special event. I wanted to keep with the clothing/couture theme and used this borrowed prop from my niece to display the cards. I learned that the dressform had appropriately been nicknamed "Wheelma" because she is on wheels. I decorated the Close to my Heart My Creations Banner with the paper from the Bliss paper pack and used matching embellishments. I draped it on "Wheelma" like a belt and then used coordinated/decorated clothes pins to hold the cards. Thanks to "Wheelma's" help, the sale was quite successful.
Join me this Saturday, March 5th at the Coldwater Creek store in the Promenade Mall - 641 East Boughton Rd. Bolingbrook, Illinois. I have been asked to showcase some Close to my Heart items during a special store event. There will be a store-wide sale and all Coldwater Creek items are 30% off this Saturday only. I will also have cards for sale, so if you pick up a Coldwater Creek gift item for someone, there will be cards you can purchase to go along with your gift.It's not too early to start shopping for Easter and/or Mother's Day.If you haven't received your CTMH Spring/Summer catalog, stop by my table and pick one up.Store hours are 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. I will be there from opening until sometime in the afternoon.Hope to see you!
Get a free My Acrylix® block when you buy My Acrylix® stamps!
AT CLOSE TO MY HEART, WE KNOW WE’VE GOT THE BEST CLEAR stamps and blocks—and we’ll prove it! Throughout March, when you buy your favorite My Acrylix® stamps, we’ll give you a free My Acrylix block. Not only will you have the best stamps on the block, you’ll have the best block, too! Just purchase $25 in stamps and you can choose from two of our most versatile block sizes: 3" × 3" (Y1006) or 2" × 6½" (Y1010). Ask me to see an Idea Book so you can start shopping now! *Offer valid March 1–31, 2011. Limit one free My Acrylix® block per order per customer. Qualifying stamp purchases include A-, B-, C-, D-, and E-size stamp sets, including Stamp of the Month sets purchased at full price or at a discount. K-size stamp sets, Stamp of the Month sets earned for free, and Workshops on the Go™ kits are excluded. Close To My Heart reserves the right to substitue a block of a similar size or price.